Sat, Apr 27
Independent Bookstore Day!
Join us on 4/27 for our very first Independent Bookstore Day since we've found our home here in Milwaukie! This national one-day party held the last Saturday in April celebrates independent bookstores across the country online and in-store. We'll have special deals, giveaways, and more!
Time & Location
Apr 27, 2024, 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Milwaukie, 10863 SE Main St, Milwaukie, OR 97222, USA
About the event
Join us on 4/27 for our very first Independent Bookstore Day since we've found our home here in Milwaukie! This national one-day party held the last Saturday in April celebrates independent bookstores across the country online and in-store. Through exclusive books and literary items, contests, events, and everything in between, it’s a party you don’t want to miss!
10:00-1:00 Typewriter poetry with Ghost of Earth
1:00-4:00 Portraits with Lindsey (@Lindzenatordraws)
All Day Long:
- Raffle!
- 50% off select used books!
- A free SIGNED Rupi Kaur print when you buy a book of poetry (limited quantities!)
- Find the GOLDEN TICKET to win free audiobooks for a year!
- Exclusive books and merch ONLY available at indie bookstores on IBD!
Come celebrate with us!